Internship Acceptance Requirements
Compulsory Internship
- Students are required to complete their compulsory internships for 20 working days without interruption during the summer semester or interim semester and submit their internship reports within a maximum of 10 working days following the completion of the internship.
- It is not considered appropriate to do a compulsory internship during the academic semester.
- Students doing compulsory internship in the summer semester must not take summer school courses simultaneously.
- Students who want to do the compulsory and voluntary internship consecutively within the scope of a long-term internship during the summer semester or during the semester because only the internship course remains:
The first 20 working days of this internship are compulsory,
Enter the compulsory and voluntary internship application forms into the system separately so that the start/end dates of the two internships do not overlap,
* Submit their internship reports within maximum 10 working days following the completion of the compulsory internship,
* Long-term internships must be completed before the start of the following academic semester
Volunteer Internship
- Students who wish to do a voluntary internship during the academic semester may be allowed to do a voluntary internship with the approval of the internship coordinators after their course schedules are determined (as of the add-drop period), provided that there are at least two full days in their weekly schedules.
The eligibility of students who are at the graduation stage and have only 1-2 courses remaining and/or can fit their courses into a single day will be evaluated by the relevant academic commission.

Serhun Al and Umut Can Adısönmez went to Chicago to partiticapate in ISA Meeting
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They competed to design the best campaign
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They competed to design the best campaign
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Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.